Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Values of the Aesir and Vanir

Aesir Values

Be assertive. Fight your fight. Stand up for yourself. Be audacious, in the service of the good. Propose peace and harmony on the basis of boldness, not weakness. Be true to your inner sense of justice, which holds the balance between retribution and clemency. Seek to see beyond the common limitations. Explore. Be strong and enjoy your strength. Keep your wits alert and ready, fresh and smart. Be true to the flock and keep it fit and upright. Keep your sense of wildness alive. Demonstrate courage where it matters. Seek honor for derring-do that serves the larger good. Demonstrate your strong and open heart through hospitality and generosity. Protect what deserves protection. Seek to learn all that you can. Give yourself over to fits of inspiration and creativity, then take the time to find the wisdom there. Learn to enjoy and ride, rather than fear, fury. Seek experience and maturity, and admire those who have attained it, learning all you can from them. Abandon not the quest, but keep your questions open. Don't hesitate to take on the predatorial and ill-minded. Give not into weakness. Set your standards high. Nothing good was ever accomplished through timidity or mediocrity. Evolve and self-overcome.

Vanir Values

Value the organic. Move at a slow, easy, rhythmical pace. Give things time to ripen. Enjoy the seasons. Keep earthy. Cultivate sensuality. Feed appetite. Work to feast. Go fishing. Enjoy the richness of life's bounty. Seek the cornucopia. Practice abundance and satiety. Be unashamed of free pleasure and proud of love's wonders. Celebrate life. See life as love. Love your kindred. Honor the nuptial bed. Foster fertility through facilitating enjoyment in all creatures. Know the soil. Honor the land. Mind the land-wights. Follow the sun and moon. Keep a sense of festive time. Remember to chew the chaw. Respect the peace of the land. Sow when it is time to sow, harvest when it is time to harvest, everything in good time. Develop a sense of rhythm. Contemplate fruit and fruiting trees. Create gardens. Nurture and nourish. Honor the Mother.


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